The Process
We're proudly using WorkClout Lean Manufacturing Software to manage and measure our operations to ensure that we're operating with the highest efficiency and quality.
Design and Prototying
We work closely with our clients even from the beginning stages to design and create packaging that best suites your businesses needs. Be confident that you’re getting the best packaging before making an order.
Ultimate’s capabilities, include its seven-color, 57˝ KBA Rapida 145 with UV and six color, 64˝  KBA Rapida 162a presses, its six-color plus coater, 41˝ RM Machinery RMGT 10 series press, as well as a 10-color, 52˝ Windmoeller & Hoelscher Miraflex AM flexographic press, and more. We strive ourselves in having the highest quality machinery, so we can produce the highest quality packaging for you.
We use a BOBST Expercut 145 PER and Novacut 106 ER diecutters and we've become much more automated each year in operation making turnaround time much more effecient.
Glue and Packaging
We pride ourselves in one of the most optimal defect rates, with a significantly low margin for error per order. Our gluing and packaging is top notch in the industry. We ship right to you after we quality and inspect your order.
We're dedicated to the highest quality standards and are ensure that we'll make the best packaging for your product.